Monday, December 3, 2007

My Reflections( Session 2)

My Reflections on Podcast (Session 2)
Learning Environment is a key factor in the education of any individual. We live in Digital Age now. Many things around are changing from day to day. As educators it is very important to reflect and re- assesses our objectives. In my opinion a paradigm shift should involve 21st century skills - e.g. digital age literacy, inventive thinking, effective communication etc. As we make these changes, we see the transcendence into our classrooms. It is important to create a condusive and inclusive Learning environment. My memories of ineffective learning environments would be those of which I had to sit through boring chalk and talk lessons, memorize chunks of information, mugging for exams which required me to regurgitate those info, knots of tension that formed just before dreaded lessons which I was weak in, and intimidating teachers who only made matters worse. As I look back those incidents have only become bitter memories and not lessons learnt. As I started out as a teacher I did my fair share of creating ineffective learning environments as I groped around finding my footing. It took a while for me to realize that teachers’ guide is not going to help me achieve my objectives for my lessons. I learnt to analyse individual needs, experiment with methodologies, vary modes of assessment and soon my lesson objectives were becoming achievable.Education in Singapore has come a long way with the many new thrusts ranging from I&E, TSLN , IT Masterplan ,Future School etc. As I journeyed on in the teaching field I have realized that different schools have different climates, cultures and environments created. Each unique in its own style with a common objective of providing a holistic curriculum to develop all rounded individuals. Being in a school where there is a pervasive use of ICT- enabled pedagogies coupled with student learning style approach I have realized the importance of creating the right kind of environment which will be challenging for our 21st century students. Students these days have great potential which when tapped the right way will yield the results we want. Mobile learning, and E learning and problem based learning tasks are some of the ways of I have experimented with which had resulted in a very motivating and engaging Learning Environment where students learn and achieve.Shamini
December 2, 2007 6:03 PM

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