Monday, December 3, 2007

Works of Rudolf Moos

"The social climate is the 'personality' of a setting or environment, such as a family, a workplace, a social or task-oriented group, or a classroom. Each social setting has a unique 'personality' that gives it unity and coherence. Like people, some social environments are friendlier and more supportive than others. Just as some people are self-directed and task oriented, some environments encourage self-direction and task orientation. Like people, environments differ in how restrictive and controlling they are. --Rudolf Moos, Social Climate Scales:

"Although many applications of the GES focus on aggregate scores and on the group environment itself, the GES can also help clinicians and others whose primary interest is the individual, not the group as a whole. An individual profile reveals how a person views the group environment and his or her place in it. Unlike most assessment procedures, which may describe characteristics such as intelligence, personality, or interests, an individual GES profile reveals a person’s perceptions. Thus, as a source of unique information about the individual, the GES can enhance client assessment." --Rudolf H. Moos, Group Environment Scale Manual

Although many applications of the CES focus on aggregate scores and on the classroom itself, the CES can also help educational consultants and others whose primary interest is the individual, not the classroom as such.An individual profile reveals how a student views the classroom and his or her place in it. Unlike most assessment procedures, which may describe characteristics such as intelligence, personality, or interests, an individual CES profile reveals a person’s perceptions. Thus, as a source of unique information about the individual, the CES can enhance student assessment. " --Rudolf Moos & Edison Trickett, Classroom Environment Scale Manual

"Although many applications of the FES focus on aggregate scores and on the family as a whole, the FES can also help clinicians and others whose primary interest is the individual, not the family as a whole.An individual profile reveals how a person views the family and his or her place in it. Unlike most assessment procedures, which may describe characteristics such as intelligence, personality, or interests, an individual FES profile reveals a person’s perceptions. --Bernice & Rudolf Moos, Family Environment Scale Manual

"The COPES can help clinicians and others whose primary interest is the individual, not the program as such." --Rudolf H. Moos, Community Oriented Programs Environment Scale Manual
His Theory

One of Moos’ contributions was to show that the same basic types of dimensions characterise diverse human environments. The Relationship dimension involves the strength and type of personal relationships within an environment and the extent to which people are involved in the environment and help and support each other. The Personal Development dimension assesses basic directions along which personal growth and self-enhancement tend to occur. The System Maintenance and Change dimension involves the extent to which the environment is structured and orderly, provides clear expectations, maintains control, and is responsive to change.Moos (1974) developed questionnaires to assess nine separate human environments (including psychiatric hospitals, correctional institutions, families and work settings), with one of these being the classroom environment scale (CES). Some other scales were Social Climate Scales, Group Environment Scale, Family Environment Scale and Community Oriented Programs Environment Scale.

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