Monday, December 3, 2007

Reflections on session 3

Assessing learning environment -why -what-how?

I realize that assessing LE is important ti keep us in the right trackthe first step would involve looking into physical aspects ,student groupings and even kind of tasks assigned to kick off.

The works of researchers like Lewin &Murray laid the foundations and soon Walberg , Moo ,Frasier, fisher, tom Leary and many others have been involved i this field of assessing learning environment. The development of LEI(learning Environment Inventory by MOO has facilitate many other Inventories ti be invented to assess
Moo's scheme- has been widely used in various studies.

There are also various approaches to LE which includes trained observers,ethnographic & naturalistic inquiry data collection mtds and the use of pupil /teacher studies have also been widely used.Even in singapore context many of these instruments like WHIMIC, QTI have been used though not in its original form but altered to suit the context.
However we have to keep in mind things like when to administer and and how to administer.

In conclusion this session has been and eye opener to gain insight into assessing the learning environment as this is very important for a teacher to reflect and review our practices.

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